1 Emilio Vedova 2 Giorgio De Chirico 3 Balthus 4 Mathew Barney
5 Joseph Beuys 6 Alberto Burri 7 Francesco Clemente 8 Enzo Cucchi
9 Douglas Gordon 10 Keith Haring 11 Anselm Kiefer 12 Joseph Kosuth
13 Jannis Kounellis 14 Robert Mapplethorpe 15 Paul McCarthy and Charles Ray 16 Michelangelo Pistoletto
17 Jeff Koons 18 Bill Viola 19 Mario Botta 20 Jim Dine
21 Giorgio Morandi and Marc Chagall 22 Raoul Dufy 23 Alberto Giacometti 24 Peggy Guggenheim
25 Oskar Kokoschka 26 le Corbusier 27 Fernand Léger and Carlo Carrà 28 Henri Matisse
29 Joan Mirò 30 Henry Moore 31 Pablo Picasso 32 Gino Severini
33 Andy Warhol 34 Lucio Fontana 35 Gilbert and George 36 Maurizio Cattelan
37 Damien Hirst 38 Sophie Calle 39 Cindy Sherman 40 Yoko Ono
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